Kate Durbin Recommends...

“I ingest art daily—from the films of Lars von Trier, Takashi Miike, and Lucrecia Martel to fashion blogs to art openings in Los Angeles.

Of course, I need my fix of poetry, fiction, and religious and theory texts. I read tabloids. For The Ravenous Audience, I read a lot of trashy biographies of starlets such as Clara Bow and Marilyn Monroe. All of this digests into my writing, and then when I present my work to an audience, I think of how the work can ‘excrete’ beyond the book. Here, the work of shock-fashion artists such as Karen Finley, Leigh Bowery, Lady Gaga, Klaus Nomi, Orlan, and the Cockettes inspires me.”
Kate Durbin, author of The Ravenous Audience (Akashic Books/Black Goat, 2009)

Photo credit: Aurora Lady

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