Janice N. Harrington Recommends...

“Inspiration? A sleepless night helps, when my mind has nothing to do but wander. I’m also inspired by stories—hearing, seeing, remembering—by events that get stuck in my head. When the muse is quiet, however, I give myself permission to ‘write badly’ (so badly that anything I write has to be incinerated). Throwing internal editors aside, I write. Like building a fire with a few twigs and a single match, it takes a while, but eventually there’s smoke and maybe a flame. This writing leads to more writing, which leads to inspiration.”
Janice N. Harrington, author of The Hands of Strangers: Poems from the Nursing Home (BOA Editions, 2011) 

Photo credit: Rachel Eliza Griffiths

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inspiration on aimless days as well as nights!

I have found inspiration to get me centered again at TheDailyBrainstorm.  This service searches blogs all over the web to pull out articles of interest to be creative, whether with interpersonal relationships, art, music, writing, teaching, cooking, decorating, childen's activities, travel, environment, animal needs.  Every article provides fodder for vague ideas that then become focused ideas.  Voila!  I am writing again!  I recommend subscribing to their email daily newsletter.