Every day Poets & Writers Magazine scans the headlines—from publishing reports to academic announcements to literary dispatches—for all the news that creative writers need to know. Here are today's stories:
GalleyCat profiles this evocative visualization of Amazon's book recommendation feature.
Meanwhile, in light of Barnes & Noble's recent announcement it won't carry Amazon's books in its stores, Melville House asks: "When will big publishers speak out about Amazon?"
Publishers Weekly reports Random House has committed to e-book lending in libraries, but will raise its prices.
Non-profit publisher Concord Free Press has given away thousands of books, asking its readers to donate to a favorite charity in lieu of payment. Last week, donations topped $250,000. (Los Angeles Times)
The owners of New York City's historic Algonquin Hotel announced that when the favorite meeting place of Dorothy Parker and her Round Table reopens this spring after a major renovation, the Oak Room will be gone. (NewYorkology)
Ken Kesey's best-selling novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest has turned fifty. Carolyn Kellogg revisits the book to see how McMurphy and Chief Bromden are holding up. (Los Angeles Times)
The Millions offers a comprehensive guide to over sixty literary Tumblrs.
In this amusing letter, the legendary writer E. B. White answers a charge levied by the ASPCA. (Letters of Note)