Colrain Poetry Manuscript Conference

See writers who attended this retreat
Event Date: 
November 15, 2024
Application Deadline: 
Rolling Admissions
E-mail address: 

The Colrain Poetry Manuscript Conference will be held online from November 15, 2024, to November 18, 2024, and again from January 17, 2025, to January 20, 2025. Each conference features workshop evaluation and discussion of book-length and chapbook-length poetry manuscripts with poets, editors, and publishers. The faculty for the November conference includes poet Joan Houlihan and poet and publisher Carey Salerno (Alice James Books), and the faculty in January includes poet and editor Peter Covino (Barrow Street Press) and poet Brian Komei Dempster. The cost of the conference is $1,000. To apply, submit four or five poems and a brief bio via e-mail. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Visit the website for more information.

Accessibility accommodations include closed captioning for online programming.

Contact Information

Colrain Poetry Manuscript Conference, 40 Stow Street, Concord, MA 01742. (978) 897-0054. Joan Houlihan, Director.

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