2023 JANUARY–MARCH THEMES are: 1. “Time” and 2. “Wonder!” That’s 2 themes for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Standard pay rates and publication applies. Submit via our online submission system. Deadline: March 15. E-mail: sequr.info@gmail.com. Full guidelines: www.sequestrum.org.
ABANDONED MINE is a poetry journal (quarterly online, selected annual print) now accepting submissions for our second year. We are seeking poems people will be inspired to re-read and share with family and friends. Please visit www.abandonedmine.org for examples, past issues, and complete submission guidelines.
AJI MAGAZINE is calling for poetry, short fiction, literary nonfiction, reviews, photography, and graphic art from emerging and established writers and artists. Submissions open on May 1 and November 1 and close once the upcoming issue is filled. Back issues are available at www.ajimagazine.com; e-mail queries can be sent to ajimagazine@gmail.com.
ALLIUM, A JOURNAL of Poetry & Prose accepts simultaneous submissions, requests a maximum page length of 5 pages for poetry; 15 pages for craft essays, fiction, hybrid, and nonfiction. No previously published work. Our submission period closes March 15. Visit Submittable at: www.allium.submittable.com/submit.
APPLE IN THE DARK is a new online publication focusing on works of fiction and creative nonfiction no longer than 1,500 words apiece. Currently, we offer 2 issues a year: Spring and Fall. Submission deadlines: February 15 and August 15. Website: www.appleinthedark.com/submissions.
THE AWAKENINGS REVIEW publishes writers and poets who have a connection with mental illness. Our biannual publication is cathartic as it is informative. At The Awakenings Review, our aim is to provide both a forum and liberating experience for our contributors and a vehicle of insight for our readers. See submission guidelines at www.awakeningsproject.org.
THE BLUEBIRD WORD is a new online literary journal for poetry, flash nonfiction, and flash fiction. We are interested in showcasing work from emerging authors as well as contributions from writers across all cultural backgrounds and experience levels. For complete submission guidelines visit www.thebluebirdword.com/submit.
THE BMP LITERARY QUARTERLY wants your best unpublished poetry, short stories, and art. Website: www.thehalcyone.submittable.com. Publication awards for winning entries. HerWords literary magazine for women and JanusWords for LGBT+.
CALLIOPE is an upcoming publishing app dedicated to genre fiction—interactive, illustrated fiction. Anything to do with high fantasy, operatic sci-fi, heart-stopping action—that’s our jam. Combine that with visually stunning imagery that responds to your touch and you have our mission. We’re looking for short stories and flash fictions of any type of genre fiction from established and emerging authors. We do rolling submissions with rates of $0.05/word and follow standard publication guidelines. For further submission guidelines please visit www.calliopeinteractive.com.
CHOEOFPLEIRN PRESS seeks submissions of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, art, and photography for our annual literary journals: Coneflower Café, Glacial Hills Review, and Rushing Thru the Dark. For our submission guidelines see: www.choeofpleirnpress.com.
COMSTOCK REVIEW’S open reading period (no fee): January 1 through March 31. Editors choose poetry on the basis of artistic merit, distinctive metaphor, and refreshing themes for our 37-year-old independent publication. Betsy Anderson, managing editor. See website for details for paper and online submissions of 40 lines or less. Address: Comstock Review, 4956 St. John Dr., Syracuse, NY 13215. Website: www.comstockreview.org. Join us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/comstock-review-186488898068352.
CUTBANK is Montana’s oldest literary magazine, run by the students of the University of Montana Creative Writing MFA program. Each academic year we publish 2 print issues of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual art. Submission fee: $5. Contributor copy and payment for writers featured in print. Guidelines are at www.cutbankonline.org/submit.
EVENING STREET REVIEW seeks previously unpublished work. Submit 3–6 poems or 1–2 prose pieces. Payment is 1 contributor’s copy. E-mail submissions are preferred as a single .docx or .rtf file. Mail to: editor@eveningstreetpress.com or Evening Street Press, 2881 Wright St., Sacramento, CA 95821. Website: www.eveningstreetpress.com.
FOR DASH ISSUE 16 we seek previously unpublished art, poems, stories, nonfiction, and hybrid pieces: Poems, 3–5, up to 30 lines each; fiction, nonfiction, and hybrid, up to 2,000 words. Our theme is “Futurisms,” conceived broadly. Whether named movements like Eco-, Afro-, or Indigenous futurisms, emergent forms like altermundos, silkpunk, or hopepunk, or approaches unnamed, we want writing that moves us. Submissions open October 20, 2022 and close March 1, 2023, with all submission decisions made by late April and publication in May 2023. Website: www.dash.submittable.com.
HAWAII PACIFIC REVIEW seeks fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. Based at Hawaii Pacific University, HPR charges no fees and reads submissions from late summer to early spring. Our work has been featured in the Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize anthologies. Details can be found at www.hawaiipacificreview.org.
THE MEDICAL LITERARY MESSENGER seeks thought-provoking poetry, prose, fiction, nonfiction, and visual art related to medicine, illness, and the body. Online submissions are free and accepted on a rolling basis. Visit us at www.med-lit.vcu.edu for more information or contact us at medlit@vcuhealth.org.
MISTAKE HOUSE MAGAZINE publishes fiction and poetry by students in graduate or undergraduate programs worldwide. We seek inventive work that speaks to the heart in a complex global context, including work expressive of documentary poetics. Submission window: October 15, 2022 to March 15, 2023. Submission fee: $5. Guidelines at www.mistakehouse.org/submit.
NOMINEE: RANKED SIXTH among Top 25 Literary Magazines & Publications in 2022 (Feedspot). The RavensPerch Literary Magazine seeks submissions of well-groomed poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and visual art. For submission guidelines, visit us at www.theravensperch.com.
OAKWOOD, SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY’S literary journal since 1975, seeks new work from writers living in or affiliated with the Northern Great Plains region. Recent contributors include Ted Kooser, Kent Meyers, Linda Hasselstrom, and Terese Svoboda. No submission fee. Deadline: February 15. Submission guidelines: www.sdsuoakwood.com/submission-guidelines.
PENSIVE: A GLOBAL JOURNAL OF SPIRITUALITY & THE ARTS, innovative online publication from Northeastern University, welcomes unpublished poetry, prose, visual art, translations. Visit www.pensivejournal.com; submit via Submittable February 1–May 15 or August 1–November 15. No fee. Historically underrepresented and international voices encouraged. Recent contributors include Baca, Bruchac, M. Collins, Chess, Cording, Espada, Glancy, Hoffman, Lea, Marchant, D.S. Martin, MEH, Metres, Piercy, Samaras, Sholl, and more.
PRAIRIE SCHOONER publishes short stories, poems, nonfiction essays, and reviews of current books of literature. For poetry, send a selection of 5–7 poems. For fiction, essays, and reviews, send 1 piece at a time. We read submissions from September 1 to May 1 every year. For more information visit www.prairieschooner.unl.edu.
SAN PEDRO RIVER REVIEW, print publication of poetry and art. No reading fee. Submission window: January 1 to 31. More at www.bluehorsepress.com.
SHŌ POETRY JOURNAL is back from a long hiatus and reading for our third issue. ShŌ Number Two (2003) featured work by William Packard, Todd Moore, Gerald Locklin, Fred Voss, Joan Jobe Smith, and other small press legends. We are a nonprofit print journal. We want your best work. Website: www.shopoetryjournal.com.
SLAB WANTS IT ALL. We’re seeking your most interesting CNF, fiction, poetry, and text-based graphic art for our upcoming issue, issue #18. Submission info/back issues at www.slablitmag.org.
SPROUT ECO-POETRY JOURNAL is accepting submissions for Issue 3 on the theme “Shade.” We are particularly interested in shade in relation to climate change and environmental equity. Accepted works receive $150. Deadline is January 20. For the complete call: www.sproutpoetryjournal.com/submissions.
STEAM TICKET, the nationally circulated journal published by the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Department of English, invites submissions of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction for the 2023 issue, volume 26. Deadline: March 15. For guidelines: www.uwlax.edu/english/publications/steam-ticket.
SUBMISSIONS TO RIVER TEETH: A Journal of Nonfiction Narrative (biannual print journal) and Beautiful Things (online micro-essays) are open January 1–May 1. Read complete guidelines/connect at www.riverteethjournal.com, Instagram @riverteeth_, and Twitter @riverteeth. We encourage underrepresented voices to submit, including but not limited to BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and disabled writers.
TAHOMA LITERARY REVIEW pays writers! $55 for poetry & flash prose, $135 for longer pieces. Everything we accept comes from the open submission queue. We are reading poetry, fiction, and nonfiction submissions January 15 to March 31. Guidelines, print or digital issues, and samples of accepted work at www.tahomaliteraryreview.com.
THIRD STREET REVIEW is a new online literary journal for flash fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, art, and photography. We are a paying market and we welcome work from writers and artists from all cultural backgrounds and experience levels. For complete submission guidelines, please visit our website: www.thirdstreetwriters.org.
TINT JOURNAL, the literary magazine for non-native English creative writing, publishes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry by writers who compose their work in English as their second or foreign language. See our homepage for our open calls and our guidelines, and submit via www.tintjournal.com/submit (no fee). #showyourtint.
TWO HAWKS QUARTERLY is a digital journal affiliated with Antioch University Los Angeles’ BA Program in Creative Writing and is setting the bar for contemporary literature with bold and illuminating poetry, fiction, CNF, art, and quality experimental work. Submissions accepted October 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. For guidelines, see www.twohawksquarterly.com.
WATERWHEEL REVIEW is reading for 2023. We publish 3 pieces of writing per month, without labeling by genre, and surround each piece with art (photo, painting, film, dance, music). We celebrate our authors via social media, our newsletter, interviews, and prize nominations. Visit us here: www.waterwheelreview.com.
THE WOVEN TALE PRESS MAGAZINE, both online and print, features the finest literature and art from around the world. Submit (free!) poetry, flash fiction, memoir, short stories, novel excerpts. Go to our “submit” page at www.thewoventalepress.net.
THE WRITER’S WORKSHOP REVIEW publishes the best in creative nonfiction, fiction, and interviews and pays for published stories. Send us narrative nonfiction, personal essays, short stories, and short shorts, as well as travel, food and wine, and writing with a strong narrative element. Submissions: Kathleen Glassburn at kathleenglassburn@gmail.com. For more, contact nick@thewritersworkshop.net. Websites: www.thewritersworkshop.net or www.thewritersworkshopreview.net.