The BBC's Really Big Book Club

by Staff

The BBC World Service recently launched what could be the world's largest book club. Each month a new book of fiction will be selected, and a live discussion, led by Harriett Gilbert, will be broadcast to the BBC's radio audience of 150 million listeners on six continents.

Meridian Writing's World Book Club was officially launched at the Edinburgh International Book Festival in Scotland by the author of the first selection, Garrison Keillor. Book-club participants are encouraged to read Lake Wobegone Days, Keillor's best-selling novel about small-town life in America, and to submit their questions and responses via e-mail. A discussion of the book, based on the responses received, is scheduled to air September 25.

Future book club selections include Martin Amis's Money and Arundhati Roy's Booker Prize-winning novel The God of Small Things. For more information visit the BBC's Web site.