The 47th annual UCR Writers’ Week Festival, sponsored by the Los Angeles Review of Books (LARB), was held from February 10 to February 16 at the University of California campus in Riverside (UCR) and online. The festival’s programming features author readings and talks, panel discussions, book signings, Q&A sessions, and a Lifetime Achievement Award presentation for poets, fiction writers, nonfiction writers, and translators. The faculty includes poets Kimberly Blaeser, Aaron Boothby, Elena Karina Byrne, Marsha de la O, Farnaz Fatemi, Ann Fisher-Wirth, Donato Martinez, Adrian Matejka, Sandra Meek, Jesse Nathan, Cindy Juyoung Ok, Jason Magabo Perez, Cati Porter, Marcie Rendon, Prageeta Sharma, Eleni Sikelianos, Melissa Studdard, Tess Taylor, Justin Torres, and Vickie Vértiz; poet and fiction writer Brendan Shay Basham; fiction writers Rilla Askew, Lou Berney, Stacie Denetsosie, Laird Hunt, Megan Kamalei Kakimoto, Rob Roensch, Andrea L. Rogers, Lisa Teasley, and Katherine Vaz; nonfiction writers Noah Amir Arjomand, Reza Aslan, Marie Alohalani Brown, Tanya Frank, Minda Honey, Leah Myers, and Daisy Ocampo; multidisciplinary writers Tim Z. Hernandez, Jessica Johns, and Marc Vincenz; and translator Lizzie Davis. Multigenre writers Rigoberto González and Quincy Troupe will deliver the keynote address as the winners of the 9th annual LARB/UCR Lifetime Achievement Award. Festival events are free and open to the public. Registration to attend online events is first come, first served; there is no required registration for in-person events. Visit the website for more information.
Note: This listing has been updated to include information provided by the sponsoring organization after the issue went to press.
Contact Information
UCR Writers’ Week Festival, University of California in Riverside, Department of Creative Writing, Interdisciplinary North Building 3012, 900 University Avenue, Riverside, CA 92521. Allison Adelle Hedge Coke, Director.
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