Cambridge Writers’ Workshop Spring in New Orleans Writing Retreat

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New Orleans, LA, United States
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The 2020 Cambridge Writers’ Workshop Spring in New Orleans Writing Retreat was held from March 19 to March 22 at the Pelham Hotel, a five-minute walk from the French Quarter. The retreat featured multi-genre and publishing workshops, craft seminars, and time to work for writers including poets, fiction writers, and nonfiction writers. The faculty included poetry and fiction writers Rita Banerjee and Diana Norma Szokolyai, and fiction and nonfiction writer Stephen Aubrey. The cost of the retreat was $1,650, which included tuition, lodging, and breakfasts. Using only the online application system, writers submitted a writing sample of 5 to 10 pages with a $10 application fee by March 10. Visit the website for an application and complete guidelines.

Accessibility accommodations included public transportation near the venue.

Contact Information

Cambridge Writers’ Workshop Spring in New Orleans Writing Retreat, Cambridge Writers’ Workshop, Inc., P.O. Box 380448, Cambridge, MA 02138. (917) 830-4748. Rita Banerjee, Executive Creative Director. 

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