Dara Hyde of Hill Nadell Literary Agency Recommends...

Reading has always been a pleasure for me, something I do alone that can bring me joy, escape, knowledge, catharsis. But as much as I love it, there is always other work to be done. I can tell I’m really into a manuscript when I feel almost guilty reading it. Shouldn’t I be doing something else? Isn’t there work on my never-ending to-do list that must be completed? Have I neglected my family? What day is it? If this happens while I’m reading a manuscript in revision, I know it’s close to being ready to go out to editors. If it’s a query, that’s a great sign I may want to represent the author. 

I represent a lot of different types of projects but I am always looking to be fascinated by the writer or artist’s mind, to be engaged with their thoughts on the page. I can be engrossed by the way the writer has put together the plot of a novel, or by what the characters are doing or saying in a graphic novel, or by how they share their story in a memoir, or by where their research leads in nonfiction. Even a single turn of phrase can open up an entirely new way of looking at the world, and finding that is exhilarating. So, yes, sometimes I sneak away just to be able to read...for work.

Dara Hyde of Hill Nadell Literary Agency

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