Tags: habits

Writers on Anniversary of Sylvia Plath's Death, Truman Capote Controversy, and More

Evan Smith Rakoff

A dispute over the ownership of case files that informed Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood have cast doubts on the veracity of sections of Capote’s masterpiece; to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Sylvia Plath’s death, the Guardian asked several writers to comment on what Plath’s work means to them, including Jennifer Egan, Sharon Olds, and Lena Dunham; novelist Caroline Leavitt shares a tale of love lost and found, and a pet tortoise named Minnie; and other news.

How Authors Can Make Use of Twitter’s New Vine, the Fate of Barnes & Noble, and More

Evan Smith Rakoff

GalleyCat lists a few ideas of how authors can make use of Twitter’s new Vine; Peter Osnos considers the fate of Barnes & Noble; Publishers Lunch has created a new edition of Buzz Books—a free e-book which features excerpts from upcoming releases; and other news.


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