Rick Bass Arrested, Silliman's Flood, and More

Evan Smith Rakoff

Every day Poets & Writers Magazine scans the headlines—from publishing reports to academic announcements to literary dispatches—for all the news that creative writers need to know. Here are today's stories:

Author and activist Rick Bass was arrested Monday with a group of anti-coal protestors for refusing to leave the Montana capitol building at closing time. (Independent Record)

A new law in Argentina offers a pension to aging authors. (New York Times)

Poet Ron Silliman's office was recently damaged in a flood, and the famous literary blogger needs help recovering his library. (Harriet)

Forbes explains how "algorithmically created content will transform publishing."

"I wasn’t looking for my Jack Kerouac. I was Jack Kerouac." Stephanie Nikolopoulos writes of the Beat gender divide. (Millions)

Mike Shatzkin accesses the possible meaning behind a reported slow down in the publishing industry's transition from print to digital. (Shatzkin Files)

"It’s like asking where water comes from and pointing to a David Hockney pool as an answer." Verlyn Klinkenborg attempts to shine a light on the origin of sentences. (New York Times)

If you're headed to the beach for the last days of summer, Newsday suggests a few books to take with you, including Amy Sohn's latest novel Motherland, and Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple.