The Art of Biography: Falling In and Out of Love
An author and Guggenheim fellow details her journey in writing a biography of radical poet Lola Ridge.
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An author and Guggenheim fellow details her journey in writing a biography of radical poet Lola Ridge.
“By forcing the writer to look at an event that changed her life, she has to come to terms with something that is intimate.” A prolific author and teacher explores the process of facing the deepest, heaviest, and saddest parts of ourselves in order to write our innermost truths.
Experiment with myth, reinvent your relationships, and give love a bad name—three prompts to ignite the creative process.
In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, a French scholar and literary translator discusses the need for translators to be well versed in intersectional knowledge of culture and history.
A former United States poet laureate reflects on his career, and how his experiences of love, partnership, and aging helped shape the curatorial process for his newest collection.
A poet and author talks with five published and noteworthy poets about craft and creative process, and what they do when the going gets tough.
Invent new words, change your perceptions, or get mistaken for strangers--three exercises to flex your creative muscles.
Catapult, a new literary venture that launched in September, is working to provide resources for writers at every stage of their career—from workshops to self-publishing platforms to traditionally published books—in an effort to create an online community that “conceptually mirrors the ecosystem in which writers and creatives exist right now.”
Alaska’s Fiddling Poet, who over the past twenty years has been playing his fiddle and reading poems for audiences across the country, talks about how he has built a career—and a life—out of touring and sharing his music and poetry with others.
What to read in the dog days of summer; libraries on bikes; a children's book that induces hypnosis; and other news.