Sonder Press

See writers who are published by this small press
Genres Published: 
Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Book Types: 
Chapbook, Short story collections, Essay collections, Novel, Memoir
Paperback, E-book
Reading Period: 
Jan 1 to Dec 31
Response Time: 
Less than 3 months
Charges Reading Fee: 
Publishes Through Contests Only: 
Accepts Unsolicited Submissions: 
Accepts Simultaneous Submissions: 
Titles per Year: 
1 to 5
Ingram, website, retailers

Editorial Focus

Sonder Press, sister to the Sonder Review, is an independent publisher of fiction and narrative nonfiction. It publishes short fiction and essay collections, as well as full-length works. It also holds an annual chapbook competition, open to both fiction and narrative nonfiction, published in the spring. The editors believe in the profundity of the written word and the necessity of paper beneath your fingertips. They believe strongly in their authors and take immense pride in bringing their vision to fruition.

Tips From the Editor

We seek well-written, engaging works of prose with a penchant for language. Writing which has been crafted with care and precision; which attends to detail and astonishes sensibility. Narratives which provoke and pursue. We wish to be transported, rearranged and awakened; to feel the weight of every word. We want distinct visions rendered in piercing prose. Storytelling which is thoughtfully wrought and delicately vibrant—which throbs the gut and burns the throat; which brings the peculiar, the off-angles and edges, to light; which leave us breathless and aching, shivering with the resplendent, churning pulse of human experience.

Contact Information

Elena Stiehler
9196 West Henrietta Road
Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
Contact E-mail: 
Please note: The information provided in this database is provided by the publishers listed in it.
Last updated: Feb 26, 2024

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