
Louis Auchincloss Retrospective - Short Term Research Project

Wanted: A skilled graduate researcher or literary historian to complete a retrospective analysis of New York author Louis Auchincloss' fictional and nonfictional stories and autobiographies or biographies about the author to examine the extent of the author's writings, experience with, and depictions of the state of Maine. Final product will include (1) a complete biography of his works indicating works where Maine or synonyms are referenced; (2) an analysis of stories that take place in Maine or where Maine/Downeast New England/or Synonyms such as Bar Harbor, Anchor Harbor, etc. are featured; (3) a qualitative & analytic essay on the depiction of Maine in the author's collected works. Auchincloss is known for representations of New York high society but summered in Maine as a child and young adult and the purpose of the project is to illuminate the connection between New York and Maine during the era of his writing. Copyright from resulting research product conveys to hiring manager at end of project. First draft due April 1 and final version due May 15. Total fee = $150 for initial supplies to get started (to purchase any books, library permissions etc needed for research) +  $500 upon completion of final manuscript (estimated to be 30 pages but could be more or less  depending on findings). Interested applicants should submit resume, writing sample, and a description of why this project would be of interest to them. Please send inquiries or applications via email. No phone calls, please.







Contact Information

Contact Phone: 
(202) 486-1325
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