Every day Poets & Writers Magazine scans the headlines—from publishing reports to academic announcements to literary dispatches—for all the news that creative writers need to know. Here are today’s stories:
A recently discovered poem by Anne Frank will be auctioned off later this month. The twelve-line poem is expected to sell for up to $55,000. (Yahoo! News)
With the objective to make reading a daily habit for its citizens, the United Arab Emirates announced a new “national law of reading” earlier this week. The law will give government employees dedicated time to read during work hours, as well provide “knowledge briefcases” of books to children at birth, among other measures intended to encourage a love of reading. (Guardian)
The work of conservationists who digitize ancient book manuscripts is “as much an art form as it is a skilled trade.” Danny Lewis reports for Smithsonian about the intricate and challenging work to restore ancient texts, which takes “a lot more than simply scanning the pages into a computer.”
Translator Megan McDowell interviews Spanish fiction writer Gonzalo Torné, whose second novel, Divorce Is in the Air—translated by McDowell—was recently published by Knopf. (Millions)
“I have always been compelled by how people make unreasonable choices about how they can interact [with] or absent themselves from the world. Even if you want to excuse yourself from the action, the world changes around you anyway and forces that change.” At Guernica, fiction writer Alexandra Kleeman discusses her influences and her new story collection, Intimations.
Literary Hub features statements from twenty-two famous writers—including Stephen King, Salman Rushdie, and Margaret Atwood—on what a Donald Trump presidency would look like.
An annual survey conducted for the U.K.’s National Literacy Trust has found that the number of students ages eight to eighteen who write daily outside of school, or for enjoyment, is in decline. (BBC News)