Every day Poets & Writers Magazine scans the headlines—from publishing reports to academic announcements to literary dispatches—for all the news that creative writers need to know. Here are today's stories:
A new recording of Flannery O’Connor has surfaced. (It was found in a University of Louisiana filing cabinet last spring.) (Deep South Magazine)
Time features an exclusive video of author David Mitchell discussing adapting Cloud Atlas for film with the Wachowski siblings and director Tom Tykwer.
Meanwhile, Word & Film lists the five best movies about the lives of poets that haven't been made—yet.
Author Edan Lepucki examines the defining characteristics of the literary fiction genre: "A dog barks, someone eats a watermelon, a car drives away." (Millions)
The Guardian explains how to write the first draft of a novel in one month.
A villa on the French Rivera—where F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald stayed—is for sale. (Curbed)
"Coleridge was a dope fiend, Joyce and Faulkner were high-functioning drunks, Sylvia Plath a hot bipolar mess." Dr. John J. Ross has the skinny on the illnesses of famous authors. (Huffington Post)
Book Riot showcases the "coolest bookshelves EVER."