Theater video tags: Kathya Alexander

Poetry in Place


In celebration of National Poetry Month, Seattle Civic Poet Shin Yu Pai and graphic designer Jayme Yen have installed a series of poetry installations reflecting the unique places and neighborhoods of Seattle. The featured poems by Seattle poets Kathya Alexander, Bryna Antonia (Á Thanh) Cortes, Cindy Luong, Joe Nasta, and Bryan Wilson were chosen for their themes of sustainability and place.


Get the Word Out: 2023 Fiction Cohort Reading


In this video, Thierry Kehou, director of Programs & Partnerships at Poets & Writers, hosts a celebratory reading by the 2023 fiction cohort of Get the Word Out, a publicity incubator for early career authors. Introduced by publicist May-Zhee Lim, readers include Christina Cooke, Alisa Alering, Kathya Alexander, Esinam Bediako, Marissa Higgins, Parul Kapur, Bruna Dantas Lobato, Jessie Marshall, Lynn Stansbury, and Lena Valencia.

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