Theater video tags: University of Chicago

Fictions & Forms: Danielle Dutton


As part of the Fictions & Forms reading series hosted by the University of Chicago’s Program in Creative Writing, Danielle Dutton discusses her intricate relationship to genre and form, and reads from her hybrid collection, Prairie, Dresses, Art, Other (Coffee House Press, 2024), which is featured in Page One in the May/June issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.


The Glass Eye


“My parents raised me in a white-sided saltbox house, the sort children draw in crayon. Years before we lived there, it had been cut in half and moved across town. We never learned why.” Jeannie Vanasco, who is featured in “The Unknown Yet Inevitable: Debut Literary Nonfiction of 2017” in the September/October issue of Poets & Writers Magazine, reads from her debut memoir, The Glass Eye (Tin House Books, 2017), at the University of Chicago.

Cyrus Console


“Artificial is the only way to fly.” In this 2013 video, Cyrus Console reads a selection of poems from his books The Odicy (Omnidawn, 2011) and Brief Under Water (Burning Deck, 2008). His first nonfiction book, Romanian Notebook (FSG Originals, 2017), is featured in Page One in the March/April issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.

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