Theater video tags: Seven Stories Press

Annie Ernaux at Shakespeare and Company


Watch this 2018 reading and conversation with Nobel Prize–winning author Annie Ernaux celebrating the English publication of her book The Years, along with translator Alison L. Strayer and Seven Stories Press publisher Dan Simon at the Shakespeare and Company bookstore in Paris, France.

Quincy Troupe at the Schomburg Center


This Schomburg Center event celebrates a half century of poetry by Quincy Troupe, who reads from his collection Duende: Poems, 1966–Now (Seven Stories Press, 2022) with the accompaniment of musicians Kelvyn Bell and Lonnie Plaxico, along with an introduction by poets Rachel Eliza Griffiths, Rashidah Ismaili, and Mervyn Taylor.


JT LeRoy


JT LeRoy is a biopic based on the book Girl Boy Girl: How I Became JT LeRoy (Seven Stories Press, 2008), Savannah Knoop’s memoir about her experience spending six years impersonating the celebrated author and literary persona of her sister-in-law Laura Albert. Directed by Justin Kelly, the film stars Laura Dern, Diane Kruger, Courtney Love, Kristen Stewart, and Jim Sturgess.

Amazilla vs. Barnes Kong


There's nothing understated about this one. Check out Rebecca Migdal's trailer for Andrew Laties's Rebel Bookseller: Why Indie Bookstores Represent Everything You Want to Fight for, From Free Speech to Buying Local to Building Communities (Seven Stories Press, 2011), which pits an online retail giant against a chain bookstore monster (who kidnaps Emily Dickinson)! Can the Rebel Bookseller save the day and bring back a community of books?

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