Theater video tags: September/October 2015

Ada Limón


"What puts the mean in some of us?" Ada Limón reads her elegy, "Marketing Life for Those of Us Left," in this video for the Academy of American Poets. Limón's fourth poetry collection, Bright Dead Things (Milkweed Editions, 2015), is a finalist for the 2015 National Book Award.


Rigoberto González


"My father wanted me to become a boxer, my mother wanted me to become an engineer, and I think I found a way to mix those two visions together—in poetry." Rigoberto González, recipient of the 2014 Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize from the Academy of American Poets, is featured in "The Way of the Workshop" in the current issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.


Matt Bell


"When I was writing the first draft of the book, I was maybe six months into it when the Trayvon Martin killing happened in Florida—that had a really powerful impact on me and on the book." Matt Bell, who is featured in the "The Way of the Workshop" in the current issue of Poets & Writers Magazine, talks about his new novel, Scrapper (Soho Press, 2015).


The Art of Memoir


"What I love about memoir is that solitary voice trying to learn how to be a human being." Mary Karr, whose forthcoming book, The Art of Memoir (Harper, 2015), is featured in The Time Is Now in the current issue of Poets & Writers Magazine, comments on the power of the memoir form with the help of some well-known writers.

Ann Beattie


Ann Beattie, who is featured in the current issue of Poets & Writers Magazine, reads from her new book, The State We're In: Maine Stories (Scribner, 2015), and talks about her experiences ​in writing and reading fiction, and working with editors.​ For more Beattie, listen to the latest episode of Ampersand: The Poets & Writers Podcast.


I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud


Jill Bialosky reads her favorite poem by William Wordsworth for a new video documentary collaboration between Tate Street, Robert Pinsky, and the Favorite Poem Project. Bialosky's latest novel, The Prize (Counterpoint Press, 2015), is featured in Page One in the September/October issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.

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