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A Conversation With Robert Frost


“I got something out of being a teacher, I had to make things understood, and that put me in the class of poets who wanted to be understood,” says Robert Frost in this rare 1952 interview for NBC with Bela Kornitzer, in which the renowned poet speaks about his childhood, early publishing career, and the development of his craft, and reads two of his poems: “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” and “The Drumlin Woodchuck.” 


Joan Didion


In this footage from an interview with NBC's Tom Brokaw in the 1970s, Joan Didion, who is shown with her late husband John Gregory Dunne, talks about the power of writing ("It's the only aggressive act I have") and her love of California ("I'm not sure I could work in a city"). Of course, Didion moved to New York City in 1988 and has lived there ever since. Near the end of the clip, watch Didion's poignant response to Brokaw's question about her optimism about the future.

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