Theater video tags: Etruscan Press

Paul Lisicky


"What was I telling you? It was something like this: The world was made exactly for us and we'd never have to leave it." Paul Lisicky reads from his novel The Burning House (Etruscan Press, 2011) for Rosemont College's MFA Reading Series. Lisicky's new memoir, The Narrow Door (Graywolf Press, 2016), is featured in Page One in the January/February issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.

Tim Seibles


"In this country, poetry is largely ignored." Tim Seibles speaks with City of Asylum Pittsburgh about poetry in the United States, his fascination with how sexuality is expressed, and how he gets into the minds of characters. Seibles's latest collection, Fast Animal (Etruscan Press, 2012), was a finalist for the 2012 National Book Award in poetry.

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