Theater video tags: animation

The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar


Narrated by English actor Julian Sands, this animated film, part of the anthology Extraordinary Tales, is based on a lesser-known short story by Edgar Allan Poe, a detective tale about a man mesmerized in articulo mortis. Extraordinary Tales is composed of five stories by Poe, featuring the voices of Christopher Lee, Bela Lugosi, Roger Corman, and Guillermo del Toro, and is directed by Raul Garcia.

The Fall of the House of Usher


This animated film, narrated by the late actor Christopher Lee, is part of an anthology composed of five stories by Edgar Allan Poe, each with a different visual style to evoke the unique tone of the tales. Extraordinary Tales is directed by Raul Garcia and features the voices of Bela Lugosi, Julian Sands, Roger Corman, and Guillermo del Toro.



In this short film presented by Electric Literature, a sentence from Etgar Keret's short story "Todd" is animated by Tatia Rosenthal and set to music by Christopher Bowen. Keret's new memoir, The Seven Good Years, was published this month by Riverhead Books and is featured in Page One in the current issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.


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