Theater video tags: 1973

Anne Sexton on the Brockport Writers Forum


“That is what poems are: / with mercy / for the greedy, / they are the tongue’s wrangle,/ the world’s pottage, the rat’s star,” reads Anne Sexton from her poem “With Mercy for the Greedy” in this 1973 episode of the Brockport Writers Forum with interviewers William Heyen and A. Poulin, Jr., in which she discusses her work, confessional poetry, and influences.


Ted Berrigan and Anne Waldman


In this vintage video from 1973, Ted Berrigan and Anne Waldman read their long collaborative poem “Memorial Day” as part of a reading series at 98 Greene Street Loft curated by the poet Ted Greenwald. The Archives of American Art at the Smithsonian Institution worked with the Berrigan estate, Waldman, and Sandy Hirsh, who filmed the reading, to digitally preserve this video.




Virginia Woolf's novel Orlando: A Biography (Mariner Books, 1973), adapted by Darryl Pinckney, was transformed into a music theater performance by director Cathie Boyd's Scottish production company Cryptic. Pinckney is the author of Black Deutschland (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016), a new novel exploring sexuality and identity.

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