Theater video tags: Hernan Diaz

Literary Critics on the Best Books of 2022


In this PBS NewsHour video, Jeffrey Brown sits down with literary critics Gilbert Cruz of the New York Times and Maureen Corrigan of NPR to discuss their favorite fiction and nonfiction books of 2022, which include Trust by Hernan Diaz, Foster by Claire Keegan, If I Survive You by Jonathan Escoffery, Stay True by Hua Hsu, and Also a Poet: Frank O’Hara, My Father, and Me by Ada Calhoun.

Hernan Diaz Reflects on Literature


“Literature is there to show us how there can be beauty in meaning, and this is what makes the literary experience so unique...and I’m hunting for this feeling all the time.” Hernan Diaz, author most recently of Trust (Riverhead Books, 2022), speaks about his relationship with reading, writing, and language in this Louisiana Channel interview with Marc-Christoph Wagner at the New York Public Library.

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