Theater video tags: Booksmith

Ed Park: Same Bed Different Dreams


At this Booksmith event in San Francisco, Ed Park reads from his latest novel, Same Bed Different Dreams (Random House, 2023), and discusses the complexities of twentieth-century Korean history, the research that goes into historical fiction, and the role of Korean poet Yi Sang in his book in a conversation with Natalie So.


Eirinie Carson on The Dead Are Gods


Eirinie Carson talks about her debut memoir, The Dead Are Gods (Melville House, 2023), which was inspired by the sudden loss of a close friend, in this conversation with author Savala Nolan at the Booksmith bookstore in San Francisco. Carson is featured in “The New Nonfiction 2023” in the September/October issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.

ZYZZYVA Technology Issue Reading


This virtual event, hosted by Booksmith in San Francisco, celebrates the release of ZYZZYVA’s Spring 2021 Technology Issue with readings by contributors Juhea Kim, Troy Jollimore, Lee Conell, and William Brewer, and a reading by Alex Torres of a short story by the late Anthony Veasna So.

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