Theater video tags: Stephanie Burt

Writer Mother Monster: Stephanie Burt


“I was raised with the expectation that I would excel in a career and have time left over for kids, rather than the reverse, because the people who raised me didn’t know I was a girl.” In this episode of the Writer Mother Monster podcast, Stephanie Burt discusses gender, motherhood, and writing with host Lara Ehrlich. Ehrlich, author of Animal Wife (Red Hen Press, 2020), speaks about the origins of her podcast in a Q&A in the May/June issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.


Posthumous Seduction


“The orchard grew excellent, // Good mass of apples assembling, one angel burned, looped / On the wire fence, in a bowl of gold most satisfactory.” Stephanie Burt reads Lucie Brock-Broido’s poem “Posthumous Seduction,” which first appeared in the Summer 2012 issue of Paris Review, for the new Poets on Couches series where poets read and discuss favorite poems that get them through during difficult times.

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