Theater video tags: Poetry in Motion

The Poet Is In


“I had a dream of having poetry at the intersections of New York, where all kinds of people pass through daily,” says Marie Howe, former New York State poet laureate, in this 2015 video about the inspiration for the Poetry in Motion: The Poet Is In festival. The annual National Poetry Month event is hosted by the Poetry Society of America and MTA Arts & Design, and features poems written on request by award-winning poets.


Poetry in Motion: The Poet Is In


“It’s so wonderful…to sit down together, look into each other’s faces, and talk and listen, and then make something of it.” Marie Howe speaks about The Poet Is In, an annual program that brings more than thirty award-winning poets together to write individual poems on request. The 2017 event was cosponsored by the Poetry Society of America and MTA Arts & Design, and held during National Poetry Month in April.

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